Friday, November 22, 2019

Movie review (runaway jury) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Movie review (runaway jury) - Essay Example The hearing of any legal case takes place after the process of selecting a jury is successful. In the movie, ‘Runaway Jury, the process of selection is tampered with by a series of manipulations. Most importantly, the jury is asserted if it is discerned to be honest and does not deem of favoring the plaintiff or the defendant. However, the defendant’s attorney makes efforts to tamper with the process of selecting a consortium of jurors who will act in favor of the defendant’s position in the case. The law provides that a manipulated jury does not qualify to foresee or even issue any verdict before it is termed as clear from ill motives (Kovera, Margaret & Brian 35). In the movie, the sobriety and purity of the jury be opposed by the ill motives by one of the jurors, Nick Easter. According to the law, if either of the lawyers representing the plaintiff or defendant believes or speculates feasibility of the jurors to have prejudiced objectives vis-Ã  -vis the case, he or she ought to request the judge to dismiss the jury. In the movie, a similar situation arises. Consequently, the lawyer remains cornered by the challenge posed by Fitch, a jury consultant, concerning the stand to make. However, the law provides that only a manipulation free jury can issue a cognizant and acceptable verdict in a legal

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